Put that fork down and Get Moving!

It’s early morning. I’ve had my cuppa java. I head out for a run: The perfect start to what I know will be a great day. My days as a serious athlete are long past, but I’ll always be a runner. I love its simplicity: All you need is a pair of shoes and you can do it anywhere, anytime. It makes me feel motivated, vibrant, and helps me keep the demands of the day in stride. If you are even “thinking” about how to lose weight and take steps toward better health, it would be my privilege to guide you as your virtual coach.                                                                                                                                   It’s really not complicated. Reduce your portion sizes and get moving! After over 20 years of helping people off couches and literally thousands of success stories, I know you can do it!
Just this morning I bumped into a gal I know because we sometimes walk our dogs together. She asked me if I thought she could learn to run at her age. Of course I smiled and told her exactly what I’d be telling you if you decided you’d like to make a start on a Walk, Run or Tri-Fitness program:  I can’t wait for you to enjoy a journey like no other and here are a few simple tips to get you started:
1. Choose an event you’d like to prepare for.
2. Be honest about your current fitness level and choose a progressive program that’s right for you.
3. Make sure you have a proper pair of shoes.
4. Begin with a nice easy talking pace no matter the discipline.
Here’s to good health in 2016!                                                                         Coach Lynn
Olympic Medalist Coach

About Lynn Kanuka

Olympian, Coach, StreetStrider, Corporate Challenge Coach, Event Organizer, Deep Water Runner, Motivational Speaker, Nordic Walking Coach.... My days as a serious athlete are long past, but I'll always be a runner. I love its simplicity. I'd love to help you discover how easy running can be: Walk — Jog — Run or Stride. I know you can do it.
This entry was posted in 10K, 3000m, 5k, Athletics, back to basics, Better Nutrition, Bronze LA 84, change, clinics, Coaching, Cross Training, Deep Water Running, Every WOMAN, Exercise, Focus, fun fitness, General, Get Moving, goal, goal setting, group training, Half Marathon, health, Hints, kanuka, LA 84, Lynn Kanuka, Lynn Kanuka Williams, Lynn Williams, Marathon, Motivation, Nordic Walking, Olympic Tri, Olympics, online training, programs, progressive, progressive programs, racing tips, Road running, Running, Running Injuries, running technique, runwalk, Sessions, Speed Swimming, Spin Classes, sport, Sprint Tri, StreetStrider, Stress, Stress Reduction, Technique, Track, training, Triathlon, Walking, Walking technique, walkrun, wellness, williams, workout. Bookmark the permalink.